Brett Kavanaugh’s history of poor judgment has already been exposed, his questionable finances are already visible, his lies under oath already spoken, his unsteady temperament fully on display. Even without the sexual allegations, he should not be confirmed. Even with everything else aside I still stand by my initial reservations of this nominee. He appears to have been nominated as payback.
It is a point of curiosity, but how many times in American history, has a nominee to the Supreme Court previously decided a case to the financial benefit of the president who is nominating him? Supreme Court justices should be chosen for impartiality, and not be groomed and paid for political operatives.
If the Republicans force the nominee through, I believe it will come back to haunt them.
Reserve the Supreme Court for those with the best judgment, spotless records, and a lifelong history of exemplary citizenship and service. Find a better nominee. Neil Gorsuch suffered none of these issues, yet Republicans act as if this is merely a Democrat ploy. If it is all a ploy, it would have been for ALL nominees of the current president)! Find a better judge, find a person with a less questionable background, and nominate them.
Brett Kavanaugh and Women
Judge Kavanaugh, says he is the victim of character assassination.
I believe this to be true, yet sadly, it was Younger Past Drunken Brett Kavanaugh that was the “assassin”. He made this previously hidden wound, and his accusers have merely pulled off the festering scab to expose his self-inflicted character assassination attempt.
Alcohol is never an excuse and a history of poor past judgment should not be rewarded by making him a Supreme Court Justice.
The nominee may genuinely have memory issues around this event because of his now well-observed and discussed history of heavy drinking. He himself is a poor witness on his own behalf, yet others know what appears to be the truth, and are speaking out. A thorough FBI investigation should seek the witnesses among his classmates and associates.
If Judge Kavanaugh wants to seek higher office, with his record of behavior, he could run for elected office as a modern Republican, a party which now apparently welcomes all kinds of reprehensible behavior, including felons, pedophiles (Roy Moore and Dennis Hastert, to name two), avowed nazis, and white supremacists.
Kavanaugh may fit right in with that crowd.

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