Chronic instability and endless poor governance have for too long been the bane of Lebanese youth | Democracy, elections and voting at Democracy Chronicles
BEIRUT, Lebanon — The protests that have erupted in Lebanon over the past few weeks have drawn a diverse crowd. It’s not unusual to see entire families marching together. At a recent demonstration, an old man was seen admonishing a young boy for throwing a water bottle at police. What began as a campaign to pressure…
It started as a protest against rubbish piling up. Now they are chanting ‘Revolution’. Back on the streets of Beirut again on Saturday night, thousands of people denounced political paralysis – claiming those in charge of Lebanon are incompetent and corrupt. “People want the downfall of the regime” cried groups of marching protesters, employing the slogan…
More than 10,000 people took to the streets of downtown Beirut Saturday, demanding the resignations of Lebanon’s top government officials for the second consecutive weekend. The demonstrations began after weeks of tension over the government’s inability to deliver essential services such as water, electricity and garbage collection. Police have called on peaceful protesters to depart Riad…
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