At New York City — Sat/Sun June 3-4
The Left Forum banned four of five so-called Deep State panels. The speakers refused to be silenced and held a Left Out Forum. Due to a pattern of harassment to shut down free speech, the physical location of those banned panels was not announced until Sunday, June 4th.
All 4 banned panels were live video-streamed and video archived for you by No Lies Radio. The Left Forum, held at John Jay Criminal College in New York City, is the country’s largest leftist conference with approximately 3,000 people attending this annual conference to hear up to 250 panels, plenaries, and keynote speeches.
The four banned panels were:
- False Flags: Staged, Scripted, Mass Psy-Op Events with False Flag Weekly News anchor and radio show host Dr. Kevin Barrett, American investigative reporter Dave Lindorff, and Researcher, Author, and Artist Ole Dammegard
- Terrorism: Fake Enemies, Fraudulent Wars with former State Department member and author Michael Springmann, Dr. Anthony Hall, professor at the University of Lethbridge and False Flag Weekly News co-anchor, and Dr. Kevin Barrett
- Political Correctness: The Dangers of Thought Crime Police with Dr. Anthony Hall, professor at the University of Lethbridge and False Flag Weekly News co-anchor, and activist and radio show producer Jeremy Rothe-Kushel.
- 9/11 Truth: Ground Zero for a Resistance Movement with former White House policy analyst and 9/11 researcher Barbara Honegger, Dr. Kevin Barrett and Richard Gage, AIA of
Through the magic of No Lies Radio Live Video Streaming we live streamed and archived for you these four banned panels, plus two other related deep state bonus panels — and additionally one more deep state panel will be videotaped for you.

Please publicize this pernicious threat to free speech and support the Left Out Forum. It seems it was several speakers—not content—that were deemed objectionable. The Left Forum had received two letters with contorted, out-of-context allegations claiming some of the panelists were anti semitic and should not be allowed to speak. The Board subsequently rejected three of the five panels submitted by grassroots activists less than a month before the conference start.
The Left Forum shared both letters with the panel organizers, whose only recourse was to email a vigorous response rebutting the false and libelous accusations. Panel speakers and many supporters wrote letters of protest as well, all of which went unanswered. The Board refused to reverse their decision to allow the three panels. The entire process had the hallmarks of a secretive grand jury.
The Left Forum’s capitulation to shadowy pressure must be contextualized as part of a brazen repression of academics and activists whose alternative perspectives run counter to official versions of controversial events. Many academics—including several Deep State panel speakers—have been fired or suspended, almost all without reprieve. Much, but not all, of this thought policing derives from an organized meta strategy to oppose any criticism of Israel.
Given the conference theme is “Resistance,” it is ironic that the Left Forum Board is using neo-McCarthyist tactics to thwart resistance by grassroots activists of debatable official narratives. Recommended reading regarding this pattern: We Will Not Be Silenced: The Academic Repression of Israel’s Critics, edited by William I. Robinson and Maryam S. Griffin
The organizers and speakers of the banned panels were compelled to resist this Left Forum censorship by presenting the three banned panels at a location near the Left Forum’s John Jay Criminal College venue.
The panels will be live video streamed on the Internet courtesy of No Lies Radio. More information available at:
Oakland Pete says
My concern with the Left Forum is that they gave an award to Consortium News. CN has run articles that smear left tendencies and publications with falsehoods, then smear dissenters as agents of Israel. Comments appear lauding the alt right and characterizing whites as oppressed in the U.S. No dissension from those comments appear; when dissensions are submitted they are blocked and the submitter is banned from further comment. Consortium has featured several articles promoting the concept of alliances between left and extreme right political parties or organizations, certainly a controversial subject; dissension from that is what brings much of this practice of defamation and eventual banishment by the editors. Any publication that follows such practices, and encourages defamation with letters of praise sent to the perpetrators by the editors, does not deserve any award, but instead a call to accounts by our movement.