We are having a video conference dealing with Ayotzinapa, trying to pull in Ferguson as well. Some folks from the University of St. Louis as well as Latinos en Accion, from St. Louis, will be present in the video conference call. Many other callers too will be taking the call throughout the United States and Mexico.
It will be a one-of-a-kind opportunity to watch and listen to the Ayotzinapa students as well as the parents of the 43. This is the first in what could become a series of videoconferencing exchanges between solidarity groups around the world, initially groups mostly affiliated with universities in México and USA.
This event is tomorrow, December 2, at 7:30 PM CST
Ustream links:
Spanish: https://www.ustream.tv/channel/yo5oymexico
English: https://www.ustream.tv/channel/c5m-usa
Online Event with Ayotzinapa!
Dec 2, 7:30 PM
Mexico Speaks: Ayotzinapa students and parents of the 43
The Ayotzinapa students and parents of the 43 take the podium & speak up, in an international dialogue with university & community organizations in Mexico and the USA
Los estudiantes de Ayotzinapa y los padres de los 43 toman el podio y entablan un diálogo
internacional con organizaciones universitarias y comunitarias en México y EEUU diálogo
1. Desde EEUU | USA: Opening remarks | Introducción
2. Desde Ayotzinapa: Estudiantes y padres | Students & Parents
2.1 Contexto histórico breve | Brief historical context
2.2 Actualidad mexicana | The Mexican reality today
2.3 Soluciones viables | Possible solutions
2.4 Solidaridad | Solidarity
3. Preguntas – #MX43
Tuiteen sus preguntas! | Tweet your questions!
Tuiteen sus comentarios! | Tweet your comments!
Cover art by Jess X. Chen www.jessxchen.com
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