The modern Republican Party is trying hard to stop everyone from voting who doesn’t agree with them. I miss the days of Olympia Snowe, Bill Cohen, and Ronald Reagan. Heck, I would even take Bush back at this point, either of them!
The Republicans across the country and here in Maine have abandoned reason, sense, and sanity and want to win at all costs, even if it means gaming and breaking the system itself.
They will claim that “Dems do it too”, and there is a shred of truth to that, but it was wrong when Democrats did it, and the Republicans have brought fighting against the very people they are supposed to serve to new levels of egregious behavior.
They have forgotten completely what democracy is about, and care more about supporting an ego driven presidency, extreme partisan politics, and enriching the already wealthiest individuals, over any sense of compromise, consensus, or care for common people. They have forgotten that compromise and just leadership maintains a peaceful, prosperous, and stable nation.
If there was ever a party that proved it was actually opposed to “government by consent of the governed” it is proving to be the Republicans again and again.
As if their blatant and publicly admitted efforts to gerrymander and suppress votes was not enough…
As if their blatant and public efforts to whip up fear and hate, and egg on racists, white supremacists, neo-Nazis, and fascists wasn’t enough…
As if their blatant lies about voter fraud were not enough…
As if their blatant abuses of campaign finances were not enough…
As if their efforts to intimidate minorities from voting was not enough…
Now, they want to attempt to overturn the majority of Maine voters in the Federal Courts, having failed in the legislature and the Maine Courts.
GOP = Gross Obscene Politics.
If ever there was time for a party to be thrown out of power everywhere, until they remember what it means to create a “more perfect union” and “secure the blessings of liberty” it is now.
As a swing voter, who has proudly voted for and supported Republicans in the past, I can’t fathom supporting a party that continues to remove itself from ‘We the People’, to be only for “a few of the people, the whitest and wealthiest.”
raysgirl says
Great job, Mitch. And Thanks for all you are doing for this great state. We will prevail. Your bio is missing the “Troll Hunters” work and it is missing “Trash Roots.”
Frances Moore Lappe says
Great piece. Mariners are fighters. So admire their vision and grit. Thx!