BankInfoSecurity has this information:
The information the Guard units gather through the template is provided to Cyber Command so it can diagnose a foreign attack and provide timely, unclassified feedback to the unit, which will be shared with state and county governments to address the cyber incident, according to the NSA. The data grabbed at the scene is then quickly pushed up the chain of command.
“This level of cooperation and feedback provides local, state and Department of Defense partners with a holistic view of threats occurring in the United States and abroad,” says U.S. Army Brig. Gen. William Hartman, Cyber Command’s election security group lead and commander of the Cyber National Mission Force. “Dealing with a significant cyber incident requires a whole-of-government defense; bidirectional lines on communication and data sharing enables the collective effort to defend elections.”
At this time most states and territories have some level of Cyber 9-Line training planned or in the process of being set up. Twelve states have completed the process and can utilize U.S. Department of Defense resources when dealing with an attack, the NSA says.
Read the full story here.
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