There are six pending lawsuits that could add to pressure for a fair redistricting plan for North Carolina. The latest update on the lawsuits comes from Justin Levitt, a redistricting expert, writing at Election Law Blog:
There are a bunch of North Carolina redistricting cases stacked up at the moment. A few of these are in front of the Supreme Court, and could move as early as Tuesday. Since we just had a North Carolina redistricting case decided by the Supreme Court earlier this week, that can get confusing. So here’s just a brief explainer on what’s what. Because I know what you want for your Memorial Day weekend.
Cooper v. Harris – racial challenge to cong. districts, decided by SCOTUS 5/22
Harris v. Cooper – partisan gerrymandering challenge to the remedy, at SCOTUS 5/25
Common Cause v. Rucho – partisan gerrymandering challenge to cong. districts, in fed. trial court
LWV of NC v. Rucho – partisan gerrymandering challenge to cong. districts, in fed. trial court
North Carolina v. Covington – racial challenge to state leg. districts, at SCOTUS 5/25
North Carolina v. Covington – a related appeal focused on the remedy below, at SCOTUS 5/25
Dickson v. Rucho – racial challenge to state leg. and cong. districts, at SCOTUS 5/25
More detail and links to info on each case can be found here. And check out this podcast for more info too:
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