Christopher Famighetti on CBS discusses non-citizen voting and Trump’s new voter fraud commission.
About Christopher Famighetti from the Brennan Center’s website:
Christopher Famighetti is a Policy and Research Analyst with the Democracy Program, focusing on voting rights and elections. His research focuses on the impact of laws and policies on access to the polls, with a particular focus on demographic disparities, long lines and voting technology. He has authored nationally recognized reports, such as Election Day Long Lines: Resource Allocation and America’s Voting Machines at Risk. He has also contributed research to the Center’s Money in Politics program. His work has been featured in The New York Times, the Washington Post and NPR and his commentary has appeared in Wired, Slate and the Atlantic.
Prior to joining the Brennan Center, Mr. Famighetti worked to support political, community and labor campaigns in roles relating to strategic campaign research and grass roots mobilization. He has a B.A. from Bard College in Languages and Literature. He is currently pursuing his PhD is Public and Urban Policy at the Milano School for International Affairs, Management and Urban Policy at the New School, where he also earned his M.S. in Urban Policy. In the past, he has also served as a lecturer in sociology at Montclair State University.
Also, here’s more on the Brennan Center’s Democracy Program:
The Brennan Center for Justice leads national efforts to ensure that citizens — not special interests or partisan operatives — are at the center of our politics. The Center’s Democracy Program brings national perspective and expertise in the fight to protect and promote voting rights, campaign finance reform, redistricting integrity, and a fair and independent judiciary.
Currently, there are two major threats to the integrity of our democracy. First, in recent years, we have seen the largest, most coordinated attack on voting rights since the Jim Crow era. Second is the new dystopian world of unregulated campaign spending ushered in by Citizens United.

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