From the flier:
NO In the Name of Humanity, We REFUSE to Accept a Fascist America! Drive Out the Trump/Pence Regime! The Trump/Pence Regime is a Fascist Regime. Not insult or exaggeration, this is what it is. For the future of humanity and the planet, we, the people, must drive this regime out.

Tens of thousands were protesting in NYC and in cities around the U.S. yesterday on the President’s Day holiday against Trump on issues including immigration, climate change.; NYC, Los Angeles, Chicago, Salt Lake City, demonstrators had a stand off with police in downtown Portland Oregon. Rapid City, South Dakota and Seattle Washington.
Organized by @NotMyPresidentsDay

Donald Trump is literally our President, but figuratively, he has attacked every value New Yorkers embody and does not represent our interests. We will be staging a rally at Columbus Circle to protest the un-American policies of the current White House:
- He plans to cut federal funding to our state in an attempt to turn us against our immigrant population, funneling money away from important public institutions.
- He wants to use our tax money to build a wall that no one wants.
- He attacked our Muslim communities and instituted an Islamophobic religious ban.
- He approved a pipeline that threatens to destroy sacred lands.
- His administration opposes a woman’s right to choose and purged the White House website of information pertaining to police brutality and LGBTQ rights.
- His party doesn’t take climate change seriously and undermines our state’s efforts to combat it.

Donald Trump stands against the progress we have worked hard to enact. He does not represent our interests. He was voted in by a minority of the American public but governs as if there’s no resistance. But there is — and on February 20th, we will honor previous presidents by exercising our constitutional right to assemble and peacefully protest everything Donald Trump stands for.
There is a congressional recess on February 20th that aligns with President’s Day. Let’s rally while our federal representatives are back in town and remind them who they represent.

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