In 2020 the Trump campaign claimed that there was fraud on a massive scale organised by the Democrats to steal the election from him. However, these allegations remain farfetched. This article by Derek Muller appears in Election Law Blog. Here is an excerpt:
From the reports I’ve seen, I’m amazed at how quickly even extremely small-scale ballot fraud, or even potentially-permissible ballot harvesting, is caught. Consider a scheme in Arizona in the 2020 primary, where two people handled a total of five ballots. Or six people in a local California election involved in the casting of four fraudulent votes. Or a recent plot in Philadelphia where 39 ballots were sent to a single post office box before they were detected (before they could be cast). Even the notorious North Carolina 9th Congressional District election in 2018 had likely fewer than 1000 fraudulent votes (albeit one of the largest episodes in recent history), and the scheme was stopped days after the election with gobs of witnesses, testimony, and evidence.
In short, even small-scale voting fraud operations appear to get exposed. Now, it’s entirely possible (and, frankly, non-falsifiable) that other fraud happens without being exposed. And it’s a reason I’m more sympathetic to prophylactic measures that get at some of the concerns that are tougher to detect.
But think about the size and scope of the allegations here. Fraud at scale is impossible to keep a secret. The notion that thousands of political operatives across several states handling hundreds of thousands of ballots, and able to so expertly cover their tracks in one of the greatest conspiracies in American history, defies logic. It’s a mission that would make Seal Team Six look like a kindergarten classroom. Respectfully, no political campaign in North America is remotely this competent. Add to it the fact that the rumors swirling about for months (not approaching years), so far, has yielded nothing that has enticed even the most aggressive prosecutor in any of many states.
Read the full story here.
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