The actions of this administration are bad and wrong, this is how totalitarian regimes operate not democratically elected governments. Come November, please join me and the majority of Americans to take our country back from those who don’t believe in our constitutional government, nor We the People.
This administration and its cronies do not believe in the United States of America, they believe We the People and a healthy and sustainable environment are an inconvenience to their personal profits and greed. They would pass on the burden and suffering of their short term decisions on the rest of us, and generations as yet unborn.
Their version of making America great is exploitation pure and simple. If you believe in conservative and Republican ideology and policies, it is time to recognize that they have sold us all a false bill of goods under the guise of conservatism and Republican beliefs. They are usurpers, not saviors of this country.
They are making America great for a very small group, and leaving the costs and consequences to everyone else. This is oligarchy, not republican democracy.
This cult of personality, leading us into treacherous waters, in so many areas, needs a course correction. The decisions of the administration are bad for our present, our future, and the people who live in this country and in our world.
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