Sorry for having so much religious talk in the articles of late. I haven’t been that faithful going to church myself as much as coaching sports and having family and friends over to the house for barbecues and parties, though I try.
In Christianity they have something called accountability that is good and bad. The right partner, usually the same sex, can help you tremendously and they usually are concerned about three areas: adultery, sobriety, and sometimes financial integrity. It is usually adultery and sobriety that get the most enforcement.
Again they can be a great help or they can cause you to drive into that pothole as I’ve heard before by focusing on the error to the point of panic then fulfillment. The best place is the middle ground of humble liberty.
So where am I going with this, well it’s back to the narcissist and chief. I remember when he was running besides the chants of “lock her up”, there was a mention of altering the first amendment, and the other rallying point was pulling the country out of NATO. I will be the first to admit that I don’t like being told what to do but I do regard the requests of a friend for my own good and the good of others. The point of NATO is to keep civilized nations at the bargaining table of accountability instead of going to war of which I exclaim a resounding yes!!!!
The other is free speech. Corporate America has been allowed to turn the media into a monopoly and it is past time to enforce the 1890 Sherman Antitrust Act to break up the monopolies. And I also believe we need to reenact the media regulations that Reagan stripped from the news networks. What we have now for news on TV are opinions and propaganda, not the news and many times not the truth.
I know that many places around the country are up in arms about guns and gun rights, but please let me say something to this matter, everybody talks or communicates even if is a grunt or hand gesture, everybody is important made in God’s image and deserves to be heard. That is what makes America great and democracies attractive.
So right now Nikki Haley said the “US is pulling out of the UN human rights council and that we will lead on human rights outside of the council”. This concerns me especially in the light of our current disposition and policy on illegal aliens especially the border children. He needs to hear the world’s condemnation on this matter and hopefully repent to a sane course of action.
Carol says
In regards to church goers, this verse comes to mind, amongst many
::there are more hypocrites in the temple, than in the street’
Throw out the money changers.
Stop letting positions be bought in our democracy.
A person’s actions speak for their character & principles.