As Democracy Chronicles Founder and Editor-in-Chief I have made almost 1,000 political memes of one kind or another. Collections of different sorts can be found on Flickr including Adrian’s Favorite Memes, the Democracy Flag Series and Democracy Quote Memes. Today I am proud to announce a new collection I have put together to highlight some of my favorite artistic creations that highlight the struggle for democracy in different American states. The collection stands as a record to my last years of democracy promotion.
The Democracy Chronicles main locally-hosted collection of my political memes can be found at “Political Memes Featuring Original Pro-Democracy Art“. But for a full (and unedited) collection you need to visit Democracy Chronicles Flickr. These totally original and unique political cartoons were made with Photoshop and all images were created to accompany an article on our website.
These are free for you to use and spread around and can be considered to be under the most permissive Creative Commons license – copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format. Also you can remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially.
I identified some of the states in the captions when it wasn’t obvious from the image itself with our international audience in mind. I hope you enjoy and I would love to read some reactions so add your comments below! Take a look…

Visit the recent DC post “Adrian’s Best Democracy-Related Political Cartoons” or see “Political Memes Featuring Original Pro-Democracy Art” for much more!
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