600 women were arrested for civil disobedience at the Senate Hart Office Building. They symbolically wrapped themselves in thermal blankets to represent the shelters the refugee children have to live in. I remember the dark day Trump was inaugurated. I did not watch, but I watched the youth running through the streets, the emotionally devastated kids carrying flags and banners. Yeah they broke some things, but the bigger picture here is they were there to protest the evil to come.
Who is anyone to judge? How many hearts have been broken by the separation of families in the latest fascist maneuver of the president catering to his base and his political constituency? If this president and administration would put a toddler in a cage, nobody is safe in his Nazi world and at the present he has too many ties with this type of character including Jeff Sessions, Stephen Miller, the Mercer family and Steve Bannon. And besides the removal of the First Amendment is exactly what this president wants to take away, so we can feel completely helpless and forgone.
I praise the women and children of courage and conviction who had the foresight and strength to endure the act of protest at the Senate Hart Office Building and the subsequent arrest. The government continues to arrest and prosecute people who were lawfully protesting, just to beat us down.
The thing about justice is that the punishment should fit the crime. Jeff Sessions had Desiree Fairooz thrown in jail for laughing at him at his Senate confirmation hearing. Hell I’d laugh at him too. But please, remember there’s more of us than there is of them and you guys, the protesters, are standing on the right side of history!
Anthony Zizzo says
Well done as always Jack