On Thursday evening in front of the Sheraton Hotel on 7th Avenue, Josemar Trujillo spoke out about De Blasio answering only to the Big Real Estate executives who were with the mayor at a re-election fundraiser. “De Blasio’s largest campaign donors, his political base are real estate developers, gentrifiers, and all the wealthy people that he pretends to oppose with his language and that language is a lie. He’s using our language, he calls himself a progressive but, his policies are nothing but aggressive in our communities.”
Josemar went on, quoting De Blasio “I’ve always been a believer of Broken Windows and just like these progressives and Democrats who sell us out, they’ve always been against us and against our interests. We’re going to start to call them out. We’re going to make sure, every time he’s here raising money with his friends, and all the money he claims to oppose, we’re going to be here, we’re going to harass him just like his policies and police officers harass us”.
“It seems like Police officers are on steroids”, said Ed Figueroa, protesting outside the Sheraton Hotel where Mayor De Blasio was meeting with big real estate companies. “There is no justice for families who are victims of police brutality. When the police are killed the families of police officers get tickets to Yankee Stadium, they get free college education and victims of police brutality get nothing from the system, so that’s why we’re out here. We’re gentrified, we’re being abused and we have to tell the Mayor in one form or another”.
Henry Cames addressed the people saying, “Bill De Blasio goes out to Israel and spits in our face. He does nothing about police brutality in these communities. Bill De Blasio is selling out public housing residents. He’s trying to take over public spaces, NYCHA housing, and build private buildings on top of them.”
“BLOOMBERG AND DE BLASIO ARE IN BED WITH THE LANDLORDS. De BLASIO IS A FRAUD and we’re here to put pressure on him and let him know we’re going to keep marching until we see real change in the way the police interact with the communities here, particularly people of color who are murdered everyday by police”.
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