During her 2016 campaign for President, Hillary Clinton took part in a phone interview with CNN’s Anderson Cooper in which she addressed the recent insults that Donald Trump has been propagating about the Clinton’s Foundation and other very ugly personal attacks on her over the media. Trump had been especially divisive and negative at that point in the campaign, saying in a rally on the same day, “Clinton is a bigot”.
Hillary responded by saying that none of what he is saying is factual. A lot of those hateful comments that are coming out of his mouth are stemming from the fact that recently he had been going down in the polls and wanted to revive himself again. He was resorting to the only thing that worked for him in the past: “HATE”.
Hillary contended in the interview that he is the one that has been using hatefulness toward Hispanics, Muslims and African Americans especially, when he made the racist comments on deporting 11 million Hispanic illegals in the U.S., some of whom had been in this country for over 20 years with American born children and families. He was also very negative about the Hispanic judge presiding over the Trump University court case and alleged he was not going to be fair because he was from Mexico.
In addition, Trump continued with hateful insinuations and he went as far as suggesting to supporters in the audience of the rally should take action to make sure immigrants were deported. He followed by giving the audience several examples of choices as to how to proceed with deportation. This was all done as if it was a joke.
Well, Mr.Trump, African Americans and Hispanics have dignity and pride. They have likes and dislikes. They also have rights! Rights that can not be taking away from them, they are natural rights as described by our founders. They cannot be taken away especially by someone who aspires to be a dictator, that wants to rule over his supporters and detractors. Did you know that immigrants have human rights, President Trump?
Americans as a whole understand. Even though, some immigrants are here illegally, they still have rights. It is very simple! Their status is “human” and any candidate that runs for office in the U.S. must possess dignity and respect for this. We live in a democracy and we should have no tolerance for this type of authoritarianism.
Indeed, Trump has clear authoritarian tendencies and this is why he has always admired dictators like Russia’s President Putin. He admires him so much that he would love to be just like him. A reckless dictator that has no respect for his people. Thankfully, in this country, we do not have the same government as in Putin’s country. In this country, we have the best free speech laws in the world. Women have rights. Gays have rights. Everyone has rights.
Where are the people that are in charge of the Republican Party? Paul Ryan, what are you waiting for? The party of Lincoln is no longer. Now, it is the party of Trump.
And so, it is up to you, the American people, to make the right choice. But please promise that you will take a better look at Mr. Trump and see him for who he really is: a billionaire who has always had everything and who does not care to understand anything about your innate human rights.
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