Outside the MetLife building last night, on the eve of Bastille Day, a group of around 25 or so demonstrators gathered to protest former NYC Mayor Rudy Giuliani for his role in profiting from the CCA, Correctional Corporation of America. A corporation that owns and operates for profit prisons all across the United States. The Bastille is a medieval fortress and prison in Paris. Many people in France associated it with the harsh rule of the Bourbon monarchy in the late 1700s. On July 14, 1789, troops stormed the Bastille. This was a pivotal event at the beginning of the French Revolution. Fête de la Fédération was held on July 14, 1790. This was a way to celebrate the establishment of a constitutional monarchy in France.

King Louis was overthrown and tens of thousands of people, including the king and his wife Marie Antoinette, were executed. The Bastille was first used as a state prison in the 17th century, and its cells were reserved for upper-class felons, political troublemakers, and spies. Most prisoners there were imprisoned without a trial under direct orders of the king. Standing 100 feet tall and surrounded by a moat more than 80 feet wide, the Bastille was an imposing structure in the Parisian landscape. https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/french-revolutionaries-storm-bastille Mr Millies, “WE HAVE RIKERS, WE HAVE ATTICA, WE HAVE JOLIET, WE HAVE SAN QUENTIN, WE HAVE 10 THOUSAND BASTILLES WHERE SOME PRISONERS HAVE SPENT DECADES IN SOLITARY CONFINEMENT. PRISONS ARE CONCENTRATION CAMPS FOR THE POOR AND RUDY GIULIANI PROFITS FROM THEM”.

Steve Mellies outside MetLife yesterday. Bastille Day bringing attention to former Mayor Giuliani’s profiteering off private prisons.
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