Russia takes down anti-LGBT site that added activist Yelena Grigoriyeva to hit list weeks before her murder. Really interesting news comes from The Moscow Times that has written about Russia’s reaction to the gruesome killing of the activist, stating that,
The fatal stabbing of Russian LGBT activist Yelena Grigoriyeva in St. Petersburg has drawn strong reactions worldwide, with fellow activists lamenting a system that failed to protect her and anti-LGBT figures saying her killing was justified.
Activists noted that a website that encourages visitors to “hunt down” people believed to be sexual minorities had added Grigoriyeva to a hit list in the weeks before her killing. The website, which took inspiration from the “Saw” horror film franchise, was blocked in Russia last week.
…Grigoriyeva, 41, was found with eight stab wounds and signs of strangulation near her home in central St. Petersburg over the weekend.
See full story here.
Blue Prince says
Russia needs an alternative to Putin and the United Russia Party. I don’t know if any of his political opponents favor LGBT Rights.