Russia’s attack on the American elections system is “much broader than has been reported so far”
In an interview with USA TODAY, Sen. Mark Warner of Virginia says that Russia’s attack on the American elections system is “much broader than has been reported so far.” He was referring to The Intercept’s story yesterday regarding a leaked NSA document which shows that Russian military intelligence “spearphished” email accounts of people and organizations involved…
Glenn Greenwald’s The Intercept, a website whose writers have striven mightily to dismiss or minimize Donald Trump’s Russian influence scandals, confirmed yesterday that the Kremlin really did hack the 2016 elections, after all. One hour after the website published a document purloined from the National Security Agency, the US Department of Justice announced it was charging…
The Intercept just published a bombshell report based upon a leak of a classified report by the NSA, indicating that Russians had attempted to hack into voter databases using phishing schemes against vendors of software used for electronic polling books. The Intercept based their reporting on a leaked NSA document created in May, 2017, which was…
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