When Donald Trump visits Saudi Arabia he will arrive amid an unprecedented wave of executions | Democracy, elections and voting at Democracy Chronicles
When Donald Trump visits Saudi Arabia later this week, he will arrive amid an unprecedented wave of executions. Since 2015, the kingdom has executed 346 people. Saudi authorities have justified this shocking figure in part by invoking the global “war on terror,” claiming that dozens of those executed committed serious terrorism offenses aimed at bringing down…
President Donald Trump didn’t have the best start to his week, following the ongoing saga of his firing of FBI Director James Comey and a possible intelligence leak to Russia plaguing the White House. The weekend is unlikely to provide respite for the U.S. president, who could confront a new obstacle during his first foreign trip:…
Lee says
I am sure such strict law is the reason for having a low crime rate in Saudi Arabia. As a Saudi expat, if i know that killing an innocent person or trafficking drugs will be punishable by death, I will feel safe and secure and I will know if something happens to ,me, justice will be served.
Martin says
I can see clearly how many articles are trying to make executions inhumane way of dealing with criminals, but actually they are encouraging killers and rapists to commit their crimes knowing that the law is on their side.
Why is the Human Right Watch put more criticism on Saudi Arabia while it has executed less people than Iran.