Parts of Former National Security Advisor John Bolton’s book have leaked and we see numerous excerpts where he gives FIRST-HAND ACCOUNTS of Trump withholding the Ukraine aid to force Zelensky to do what he wants. Of course, no one who supports Trump is willing to look at reality, just like with Lev Parnas, with a FOX anchor even referring to Bolton as a “tool of the Left,” even though Bolton is a staunch Conservative who has served in 4 GOP administrations.
I am reminded of The Parable of The Scorpion and The Frog. Trumpers, when you continue to dismiss facts, reality, and common sense to support your President, think of this:
The Scorpion and the Frog
A scorpion wanted to get across the river. He asked a frog, “Will you please give me a ride on your back?” The frog replied, “How can I do that? Your sting is fatal!” The scorpion answered, “Now where is the logic in that? If I sting you, we will both drown.” The frog, being a logical creature, agreed to let the scorpion ride on his back. But halfway across the river, the frog felt a terrible pain in his back. The scorpion had stung him after all.
“Where is the logic in this?!” cried the dying frog as he and the scorpion drowned.
“This is my character!” replied the scorpion. “And there is no logic in character.”
Foobar says
Trump himself loves to use this metaphor, but with a snake and a woman instead of a scorpion and a frog.
Mandrake says
I think about this parable a lot when it comes to Trump but the Scorpion is the media who swears over and over that they won’t play Trump’s game of repeating and reporting on every outlandish lie he tells (and therefore legitimizing them) then every day when he does they rush to put his words on their headlines. The Frog is of course the American people and the media, stinging the public once again cries out “oh we can’t help it it’s our nature!”