Importance of politics at Koch industries revealed as secret Koch brothers meeting exposed | Democracy, elections and voting at Democracy Chronicles
Document exposes Papa John’s and other companies as secret Koch brother allies
Raw Story
The Koch brothers are well-known for their right-wing activism, but less has been known about the wealthy conservatives who fund their vast political operations. But a document left behind last week at the first donor gathering of 2014.
Koch’s Lost Their “Bippy” and Revealed A Secret Society
The Kochs and their administrative operatives have slipped-up and inadvertently left a revealing document at one of their secretive meeting places. We have often reported on secret Koch meetings, but we have yet to see a list of active donors. This latest libertarian production intends to reach young people with a populist message brought to them by the Koch brothers. At first blush, this video seems like it must be parody, but it’s not.
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