Democrats Dream of Comeback in House, Powerhouse in Senate With Big Congressional Win Streak | Democracy, elections, and voting at Democracy Chronicles
Election 2012: Can Democrats retake the House?
The Christian Science Monitor
Nancy Pelosi calls it the “drive for 25” – the number of seats House Democrats need to reclaim in November for Ms. Pelosi to retake the speaker’s gavel. Getting to 25 seats is no easy feat – and it’s not one Democrats will reach this year, most analysts predict. Since 1994, when a Republican wave hits. Election 2012: In Senate, a mighty struggle to maintain status quo says The Christian Science Monitor. This was supposed to be the year that Republicans stormed back into power in the US Senate, after enduring six years in the minority. But that scenario is looking less certain as Nov. 6 nears – thanks to a few missteps by GOP candidates, strong campaigns by some Democrats in red states, and presidential races.
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