Slow reform following protest during Oman’s Arab Spring reveals path toward real democratic change
Arab Spring articles on Democracy Chronicles
The Arab Spring was the revolutionary wave of demonstrations and protests in the Arab world following the banner of one man in Tunisia, began on 17 December 2010 with the Tunisian Revolution. Popular protests took place in many countries including Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, and Yemen.
Jailing Another Liberal Activist, Egyptian Crackdown Worsens
Leader of the 2011 Arab Spring revolution, Alaa Abdel-Fattah jailed as Egyptian crackdown worsens
Lessons From Arab World’s First Presidential Runoff Vote
Results in Tunisia and Arab World’s first Presidential runoff reveal population tired of violence
Can Peace Talks Reawaken Libya’s Arab Spring?
Hopes rising that major parties serious about new peaceful attempt to reawaken Libya’s Arab Spring
Missing Ayotzinapa Students Sparks Mexican Spring Protests
Persistent Mexican Spring protests intent on end to drug war’s horrific violence and corruption
Tunisia First Presidential Election is Real Arab Revolution
Tunisia’s historic revolution sparked uprisings throughout the Arab world following the Arab Spring banner. While many of those uprisings have brought little else but violence, the real Arab revolution continues to be centered in Tunisia.
Tunisia Peaceful Majority Votes in First Presidential Election
Violent Middle East politics rejected by Tunisia peaceful majority vote with real policy choices
Arabs Sprung as Tunisia’s First Presidential Vote Ever Held
Despite missing Islamist party, people target democracy in Tunisia’s first Presidential vote
Burkina Faso Revolution Sparks Black Spring Movement
President Compaore was forced to resign after attempting to change the constitution to run again in upcoming elections despite being in power for the past 27 years. This public mistake resulted in protest throughout the country in what has come to be known as the “Black Spring movement”.
Massive Turnout as Tunisia Elects First Parliament
As Arab Spring stalls elsewhere, the democracy movement’s birthplace Tunisia elects first parliament with big turnout