Jack Johnson was convicted by an all-white jury of “immorality” in connection with one of his relationships
Celebrity Politics articles on Democracy Chronicles
This is our collection of Celebrity Politics articles where celebrities who promote democracy (or don't) are featured. In the democratic world where popular artists and other thinkers are free to criticize government, celebrities have often gone into politics. Celebrities represent a pool of potential political candidates who are often self-made individuals and, at the very least, usually not related to previous politicians. Also, see Political Art.
Michael Moore Sprays Flint Water at Michigan Capitol
Michael Moore used a hose from a large “Flint water” truck to spray water in the direction of the historic building
Working Families Party Endorses Cynthia Nixon for NY Governor
America’s newest celebrity politician Cynthia Nixon has gotten a big boost from the Working Families Party
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar says new Roseanne is anti-Trump satire
Roseanne Barr makes it no secret that she openly supports Donald Trump and on the revival of her series, “Roseanne”
Cher bizarrely broadcasts support for jailed Saudi billionaire prince
Cher deciding to weigh in on power struggle within Saudi dictatorship is unusual position for an American celebrity
Sarah Jessica Parker Endorses Friend Cynthia Nixon as Governor
Actress Sarah Jessica Parker provided her full support Thursday for her friend and former Sex and the City castmate
Are apolitical pop musicians missing an opportunity?
Why presenting yourself as a pop artist has become a much more multifaceted enterprise
Michael Moore Wants the Voting Age Lowered to 16
The filmmaker was supposedly inspired after seeing the outpouring of support for the recent March for Our Lives protests
Cate Blanchett Slams Aung San Suu Kyi Over Rohingya Crisis
Australian actress Cate Blanchett says she is bewildered by Myanmar leader Aung San Suu Kyi’s silence
Ben Cohen of Ben & Jerry’s Was Arrested During a Protest
One of the co-founders of Ben & Jerry’s arrested for disorderly conduct during a political demonstration in Vermont