Ice cream company cofounders Ben and Jerry arrested protesting for election reform in D.C.
Celebrity Politics articles on Democracy Chronicles
This is our collection of Celebrity Politics articles where celebrities who promote democracy (or don't) are featured. In the democratic world where popular artists and other thinkers are free to criticize government, celebrities have often gone into politics. Celebrities represent a pool of potential political candidates who are often self-made individuals and, at the very least, usually not related to previous politicians. Also, see Political Art.
George Clooney Decries Obscene Money In Politics
George Clooney supports cause of anti-corruption protesters at his own fundraising event
Actress Rosario Dawson Arrested During Democracy Spring
Actress Rosario Dawson joins wave of civil disobedience in Washington against money politics
Pandering Shows How Disconnected Clinton is From Voters
In 2016, voters are catching on to Clinton’s flawed attempts to appear authentic and down-to-Earth. Clinton’s reputation to say or do anything for political expediency.
Is the Rolling Stones Cuba Concert Good For Democracy?
The upcoming Rolling Stones Cuba concert is a revolution for nation where their music was banned
Angelina Jolie Visits Lebanon Pushing For Aid to Refugees
Refugees increasingly in peril as Angelina Jolie visits Lebanon to push for international action
How Useful Was Bon Jovi Support For Chris Christie?
It seems little was gained from Bon Jovi support for Chris Christie in form of donations and music
Pacquiao Senatorial Bid Moves Forward Despite Controversy
No pause for coming Pacquiao Senatorial election bid after loss of advertising deal over comments
Saving Our Selves at the Bronx Supreme Court
I’m reaching out to various grassroots organizations as well as pioneers of Hip Hop culture to help me find real solutions that confront our people. I personally would like to have at least one thousand young adults present at this event.
VIDEO: Killer Mike Talks Race With Stephen Colbert
Rapper and outspoken political activist Killer Mike discusses controversial subject with Colbert