After recent successes the national Green Party is now looking for major push into California
Celebrity Politics articles on Democracy Chronicles
This is our collection of Celebrity Politics articles where celebrities who promote democracy (or don't) are featured. In the democratic world where popular artists and other thinkers are free to criticize government, celebrities have often gone into politics. Celebrities represent a pool of potential political candidates who are often self-made individuals and, at the very least, usually not related to previous politicians. Also, see Political Art.
Mariah Carey Holds $1 Milllion Concert for Angola Dictator
Singer and pop music star Mariah Carey joins long list of American and democratic world celebrities who entertain rich dictators spending stolen wealth like this concert for Angola dictator dos Santos
Rihanna Teams With UNICEF for Philippines Aid Work
United Nation’s workers thanks to new plan as singer and songwriter Rihanna teams with UNICEF to raise awareness to help Philippine victims of Super Cyclone Haiyan
Paul McCartney Vs. Vladimir Putin: Greenpeace Smackdown!
Superstar Beatle Paul McCartney calls for release of detained activists of Greenpeace held in Russia dictatorship prisons amid worldwide outcry
Klingon From Star Trek Wins New York Election
Actor who played famous Klingon Empire warrior on cult-sci fi show Star Trek wins New York election in first of growing Klingon Empire (State)
Philippines Sees Pacquiao Family Win Elections
Philippines boxer politician Pacquiao family win elections and join him building political power
Arnold Schwarzenegger to Run for President
Arnold Schwarzenegger to run for President after his stint as California Governor but faces unusual challenge of changing the American Constitution first
Considering Warren Buffett Reform of Congress Plea
Billionaire investor Warren Buffett reforms offer short list of changes make Congress responsible
Elton John Receives Award for HIV/AIDS Activism
Rockefeller Foundation sees that Singer Sir Elton John receives award of lifetime achievement for his work battling public stigma associated with HIV and AIDS
Entertainment Industry Lobbying Spends Major Cash
Tech companies and entertainment industry lobbying heavily and deeply involved in government