Musician and rockstar Sir Elton John organizes for AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria virus research and spends fortune in battle for better medical treatment
Celebrity Politics articles on Democracy Chronicles
This is our collection of Celebrity Politics articles where celebrities who promote democracy (or don't) are featured. In the democratic world where popular artists and other thinkers are free to criticize government, celebrities have often gone into politics. Celebrities represent a pool of potential political candidates who are often self-made individuals and, at the very least, usually not related to previous politicians. Also, see Political Art.
Bill Gates in New Push to End World Polio
Technology pioneer and billionaire Bill Gates joins forces with Rotary International in new bid to end world polio
Angelina Jolie Continues Activism in Syria
Movie star and United Nations Goodwill Ambassador Angelina Jolie continues activism with her efforts to draw attention to plight of Syrian refugees
David Luiz Leads Brazil Soccer Support for Protests
Star defensive player David Luiz joins other famous players in throwing Brazil soccer support for protests sweeping the fast-changing BRIC country
Facebook’s Zuckerberg Enters New Jersey Politics
Facebook billionaire Mark Zuckerberg Enters New Jersey Politics and throws support to Democratic New Jersey Senate candidate Cory Booker in political first
Donald Trump Eyes 2016 Presidential Race
New York real estate billionaire and political personality Donald Trump eyes 2016 and is investing money to investigate possibility of outsider run for President
Feingold Critiques Mark Zuckerberg SuperPAC
Election reformer Russ Feingold angry at Mark Zuckerberg SuperPAC for secrecy of its donation plan
Bill Gates Gives $1.8 Billion to End Polio
A Billion to End Polio: Inventor and Billionaire Bill Gates has made it a personal quest to spend his vast fortune eliminating major diseases of the third world like polio – a target for eradication
Bill Maher: Founders Intended Editable Constitution
Bill Maher: Founders designed the Constitution to be amendable stresses comedian and anti-gun advocate Bill Maher.
Facebook’s Zuckerberg Launches Political Lobby
Billionaire creator of Facebook Zuckerberg launches political lobby to try his luck in politics with new group seeking immigration reform for high tech workers