Stephen Colbert jokes with ex-President Bill Clinton during recorded interview at the University of St. Louis about Bill and Ted’s Excellent Initiative
Celebrity Politics articles on Democracy Chronicles
This is our collection of Celebrity Politics articles where celebrities who promote democracy (or don't) are featured. In the democratic world where popular artists and other thinkers are free to criticize government, celebrities have often gone into politics. Celebrities represent a pool of potential political candidates who are often self-made individuals and, at the very least, usually not related to previous politicians. Also, see Political Art.
Malala and Angelina Jolie Funding Pakistan Schools
Education level is threat to world stability as Malala and Angelina Jolie funding Pakistan school
Bill Gates on Quest to Change the World
Technology pioneer and entrepreneur Bill Gates on quest and has used immense intellect for poor
Zuckerberg Hints at Facebook’s Political Ambitions
With billions of personal wealth and passion for changing the world, Zuckerberg eyes politics
Steven Colbert’s Sister Wins S. Carolina Primary
Steven Colbert’s sister wins South Carolina Congressional primary election
Key Myanmar Visit From Google’s Schmidt
Entrance into Myanmar visit from Google could be hugely revolutionary for closed tech nation
Bill Gates Critiques Federal Government as Dysfunctional
Richest American may yet decide that running for federal office makes sense as Bill Gates critiques Federal Government
Ashley Judd Preparing to Declare Senate Run
Is actress and activist Ashley Judd preparing to be latest celebrity to declare run for elections?
Diplomats Not Happy With Dennis Rodman’s Diplomacy
Dennis Rodman’s diplomacy involves bizarrely inserting himself into relations with North Korea
Geraldo vs Cory Booker in Race for NJ Senate
Geraldo vs Cory Booker looks certain to be race for Senate seat in New Jersey, well not certain