LeBron James’s significant 2020 political campaign pushes for voter registration, fights voter suppression and call-outs voting restrictions for minorities.
Celebrity Politics articles on Democracy Chronicles
This is our collection of Celebrity Politics articles where celebrities who promote democracy (or don't) are featured. In the democratic world where popular artists and other thinkers are free to criticize government, celebrities have often gone into politics. Celebrities represent a pool of potential political candidates who are often self-made individuals and, at the very least, usually not related to previous politicians. Also, see Political Art.
Michelle Obama group backs expanding voting options for 2020
A voter initiative led by Michelle Obama announced support Monday for making it easier for people to register to vote and cast ballots during coronavirus.
Hypocrisy in Green
Greta Thunberg has been recognized as a great inspiration by almost all political camps in the West. However, her opinions have been met with total silence.
Al Gore Launches Youth Voter Turnout Initiative in Houston
Former Vice President Al Gore launched a new youth voter turnout initiative Houston Wednesday, urging students to help fight climate change by voting.
Michelle Obama is encouraging voter registration through a prom challenge
Former First Lady Michelle Obama leads the pack in a series of throwback prom photos to encourage voter registration among young people.
At Sundance, Clinton warns of voter suppression in election
Clinton’s most prominent return to the public eye has come at the Sundance Film Festival, where she unveiled a four-hour documentary series, “Hillary.”
Voting Rights will be the focus of Stacey Abrams’s new book
Georgia Democrat Stacey Abrams will release a new book on voting rights in 2020, her publisher, Henry and Holt, confirmed Tuesday
Celebrity Stylist Justine Marjan launches “vote” bobby pin to increase voter turnout
Together with Kitsch and When We All Vote, stylist Justine Marjan has launched a “vote” bobby pin, donating all proceeds to help increase voter turnout.
David Byrne boosting voter registration at Broadway show
Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, David Byrne, is promoting getting out the vote during his Broadway production “American Utopia”.
David Byrne boosting voter registration at Broadway show
The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame former front man for Talking Heads is promoting getting out the vote during his Broadway production.