The experience of being a panelist in a citizen assembly process changed me – and changed my perspective on how the world could work.
Democracy Charity articles on Democracy Chronicles
Democracy Charity articles on Democracy Chronicles looks to highlight charities that work on the issues of democracy and election reform. Across the world, there are many people working to make a better life for others.
Global Initiative To Free Political Prisoners Launched
Freedom House has begun a new campaign to free political prisoners around the world, with a special focus on human rights activists.
Defending Latin American Human Rights and Democracy Activists
Human Rights Defenders (HRDs) and Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) continue to face challenges across Latin America today.
Latin America Increasingly Perilous For Human Rights Defenders
Basic freedoms are collapsing in Latin America. Rights defenders are coming under increasing attacks from state and non-state actors.
Organizers Refuse To Let Up After Senate Blocks Voting Bill
The voting rights bill has been blocked yet again by the Senate. This hasn’t stopped activists from keeping the pressure on lawmakers.
Montana Native American Groups In Voter Registration Push
An organization whose work includes increasing Native American participation wants to make it easier for people to register to vote.
Progressive Groups to Feinstein: back filibuster carve out or resign
70 progressive organizations in California have informed Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif) that she must back a vote-rights filibuster or resign.
Activists try to keep up pressure to pass elections and voting bills
Advocates in support of voting rights and election reform in the Senate have planned a sustained campaign for the upcoming weeks.
Frustrated voting-rights advocates claw for opening on Senate filibuster
The near-total gridlock in Washington is infuriating voting-rights advocates. However, they see the filibuster as a new opportunity.
The Push For Internet Voting Continues, Mostly Thanks To One Guy
Voting by phone is considered grandiose and is often ridiculed. However, one American venture capitalist is continuing to work on it.