Is it necessary for Biden to bring back good old-fashioned pork-barrel politics if he wants to restore America’s infrastructure?
American Corruption articles on Democracy Chronicles
American corruption here involves more blatant uses of money politics to corrode democracy. Forms of corruption obviously vary, but include government related bribery, extortion, cronyism, and embezzlement. Also see our sections on American democracy and Money Politics or our articles on Worldwide Corruption.
What Is Fascism And What Drives It?
What is fascism and what drives it? Since it is in plain sight we are unable to pin it and its drivers down. But quite simply it is greed.
Super PACs Illegally Coordinate Campaign Spending With Ease
We need a better FEC to implement campaign finance laws and keep political campaigns and their donors accountable to stem corruption.
Despite Progress, Activists Say New Jersey’s Democracy is Broken
Progressives argue New Jersey’s democracy is shattered when a small number of people decide who the party-backed candidates are.
What Responsibility Do Corporations Have To Weigh In On Voting Rights?
Is there any corporate voting rights responsibility? Activists have called on big business to weigh-in on voting rights in Georgia.
Right-Wing TV Airing Disclaimers About Their Own Election Coverage
Right-wing media provided a platform for falsehoods about the 2020 elections. These media groups are now facing a reality check.
Report: US Democracy Has Declined Significantly in the Past Decade
Racial inequality, special-interest control, and party division should all be addressed as top priorities in the United States.
Dark Money Dirty Tricks in Florida
A former state senator for Florida was arrested and is facing felony charges for bankrolling a phony candidate for a legislative seat.
The Members of Congress Who Profit From War
When markets opened the day after Trump killed Qassem Soleimani, dozens of members of Congress saw bumps in their portfolios.
How Political Parties Pressure Legislative Leaders To Raise Money
One of Washington’s dirty little secrets is that both major parties strong-arm legislators into raising massive sums of campaign cash.