Trump violated State funding law by holding back Ukraine aid last year, a government watchdog agency concluded Thursday as Senate impeachment trial opens.
American Corruption articles on Democracy Chronicles
American corruption here involves more blatant uses of money politics to corrode democracy. Forms of corruption obviously vary, but include government related bribery, extortion, cronyism, and embezzlement. Also see our sections on American democracy and Money Politics or our articles on Worldwide Corruption.
The World that cried wolf! Ignoring and sanitizing American foreign policy in Bolivia
When our country overthrow’s the government of another country, we just ignore it and our press sanitizes the putsch. It’s time to engage and cry wolf!
Post-2016 Election Pro-Trump FBI Texts Uncovered by DOJ Watchdog
According to Insider, DOJ watchdog said it uncovered text messages between two FBI agents cheerleading for President Trump just after the 2016 poll.
America: time to return to our values
Resetting American values will improve the country’s treatment of migrants such that America would once again become the safe haven it has been.
Trump and allies ask media to release name of Whistleblower
Where there is risk in identity revelation media withholds name of source. But Trump & allies are urging media to release name of Ukrainegate whistleblower.
Trump calls Emoluments Clause “phony” attacking constitution he swore to defend
After scrapping decision to take 2020 G-7 to his Miami resort Trump Monday called Emoluments Clause “phony” attacking the Constitution he swore to defend.
Emoluments Clause: Trump awards 2020 G-7 to his Miami Resort
Trump has awarded next year’s G-7 to his Miami Doral resort. Common Cause says this compounds Trump’s Emoluments Clause violations.
How President Trump and Giuliani weaponized the State Department
Insider reported Thursday that 8 Trump officials made revelations about how President Trump and and lawyer Rudy Giuliani “weaponized the State Department”.
Is President Trump fast becoming a GOP cult leader, strong man?
Ukrainegate and Syrian pullout have raised widespread anger. However, there is yet to be strong Republican opposition to Trump’s actions.
Report: Giuliani Under Investigation for Possible Lobbying Violations
Rudy Giuliani, President Donald Trump’s personal lawyer, is being investigated by federal prosecutors in New York for possible lobbying violations.