If you are trying to avoid a confrontation, the smart move would be to give your neighbors room. Use peaceful speech, be understanding, forget past issues and possibly stop spying on them. If we choose to not do these things, we are cornering them.
American Corruption articles on Democracy Chronicles
American corruption here involves more blatant uses of money politics to corrode democracy. Forms of corruption obviously vary, but include government related bribery, extortion, cronyism, and embezzlement. Also see our sections on American democracy and Money Politics or our articles on Worldwide Corruption.
Foreign Elections Spending Is Threat To American National Sovereignty
It is illegal for any person to solicit, accept, or receive anything of value from a foreign national in connection with a U.S. election.
Podcast: Congressional Oversight and Making America Pragmatic Again
We tend to think about congressional oversight in very academic terms — checks and balances, the Framers, etc. But what does it actually look like on the ground in Congress? To find out, we’re talking this week with Charlie Dent.
New FEC Inspector General Report Describes A Hobbled Watchdog
New report from the Office of Inspector General at the FEC provides new information about how the agency’s internal watchdog has been hamstrung for months.
How Payday Lenders Spent $1 Million At Trump Resort – And Cashed In
Payday lenders offer loans on the order of a few hundred dollars, typically to low-income borrowers, who have to pay them back in a matter of weeks.
Emails Show How Much Pull NJ Political Bosses Had Over Tax Breaks
A law firm linked to New Jersey political boss George E. Norcross III enjoyed extraordinary influence over the state’s tax break program.
Congressional Leadership PACs Continue To Subsidize Lavish Lifestyles
A new report shows that instead of doling out funds to political allies, members of Congress routinely use leadership PAC funds to pay for expensive meals.
Indictment Highlights Weak Defense Against Foreign Money in Politics
Justice Department Michel and Low Taek Jho for conspiring to make and conceal foreign and conduit campaign contributions during the 2012 election.
Committees Used to Fund Patronage At Chicago’s City Council
City Council’s 16 committees are the heart of a favor-trading system that’s enabled mayors to rule like monarchs distributing favors to loyalists.
Federal Election Commission Internal Conflicts Laid Bare
The Federal Election Commission’s four leaders are offering lawmakers clashing perspectives on the agency’s very purpose.