Charges possible in N.C’s U.S. house fight, Who could possibly face these charges after state elections board hearing exposed evidence of ballot fraud?
American Corruption articles on Democracy Chronicles
American corruption here involves more blatant uses of money politics to corrode democracy. Forms of corruption obviously vary, but include government related bribery, extortion, cronyism, and embezzlement. Also see our sections on American democracy and Money Politics or our articles on Worldwide Corruption.
Bipartisan Bill Introduced to Fix the Federal Election Commission
Restoring Integrity to America’s Elections Act makes structural changes to FEC to better equip unbiased cop on beat of our nation’s campaign finance system.
Amazon Pays Nothing in Taxes, But the Poor Sure Do
The middle class and the poor need the tax breaks, not the Oligarchs at the top. There are property taxes, income taxes, alcohol taxes, license plate taxes, utility taxes, tobacco taxes, gasoline taxes and more.
North Carolina Election Marred by Voter Fraud Scheme
An investigation into a disputed 2018 congressional election has uncovered a “coordinated, unlawful and substantially resourced absentee ballot scheme”.
Wisconsin is the National Poster Child for Dark Money Corruption
Wisconsin is the national poster child for dark money corruption though with transparency in campaign spending is overwhelmingly popular.
Bezos Allegations Against Tabloid Test Limits of Press Freedom
Accusations of extortion and blackmail made by Bezos against a national gossip newspaper may have breached the legal limits of broad press freedoms.
Georgia Voting Irregularities Raise More Troubling Questions
Lawsuits, complaints about lax security and accusations of voter suppression marred Georgia’s election for governor in November.
Data Analysis Links Race and Odd Vote Count in Georgia’s 2018 Midterms
“Lowering voting age will give voice to young people and provide tool to hold politicians accountable to issues they care about,” Low said in a statement.
Errors Cause Judge to Throw Out Georgia Election a 2nd Time
Erwin win a seat in the Georgia legislature after a campaign in which a judge threw out the first election and ordered the vote to be redone in December.
Freedom House Outlines How Democracy in US Has Weakened
The group warned in its annual report that it has seen similar patterns in other nations where democracy was ultimately overtaken by authoritarianism.