Newly elected members of the House of Representatives must be committed to fighting corruption and fixing the democratic process as top priorities.
American Corruption articles on Democracy Chronicles
American corruption here involves more blatant uses of money politics to corrode democracy. Forms of corruption obviously vary, but include government related bribery, extortion, cronyism, and embezzlement. Also see our sections on American democracy and Money Politics or our articles on Worldwide Corruption.
VIDEO: Aziz Huq and Tom Ginsburg on Saving Constitutional Democracy
Authors discuss new book asking why democracies are facing multiplying challenges from structural changes to geopolitical shifts to cultural transformations.
The Midterms Were a Very Real Victory for American Democracy
It has been a daunting task from the very start. Don’t let the expectations of a greater wave and a larger breach in the wall diminish the very real victory achieved on Election Day 2018.
Green Party Responds To Fake Super-PAC Mailers
Our campaign does not accept any PAC, Super-PAC, or corporate contributions. The Green Party itself does not accept any corporate contributions.
The Wall, Immigration and Opioids: No Good Newt Gingrich
I want to point out that the opioid crisis in this country is mostly because Big Pharma was over prescribing them. Big Pharma and corrupt legislators got the country in this mess.
How Big Money Is Preventing Healthy Politics And How To Fix It
One major issue inhibiting healthy politics in America is big money. Corporations use money to influence lawmakers to enact laws in their favour. Getting money out of politics is the way out.
Rethinking Your Support for Trump, the Dictator in Waiting
Please promise that you will take a better look at Mr. Trump and see him for who he really is: a billionaire who has always had everything and who does not care to understand anything about fighting for human rights.
Dark Money Dominating State Supreme Court Races
Outside groups continue to pour money into state supreme court campaigns, television advertising spending so far totaling $5 million this election season.
Democracy From the Perspective of an American Citizen
There is an enormous difference between what Abraham Lincoln called “government of the people, by the people, for the people”, and the pseudo-democracies that engulf us. These pseudo-democracies are actually oligarchies.
5 Ongoing Court Cases Reflect a Flawed Election System in Georgia
In an era when US elections in general are flawed at best, Georgia is pushing firmly to lead the states with the least-representative voting system of all.