A federal court Friday refused to immediately dismiss a lawsuit accusing President Donald Trump of flouting the U.S. Constitution’s “emoluments” clause.
American Corruption articles on Democracy Chronicles
American corruption here involves more blatant uses of money politics to corrode democracy. Forms of corruption obviously vary, but include government related bribery, extortion, cronyism, and embezzlement. Also see our sections on American democracy and Money Politics or our articles on Worldwide Corruption.
VIDEO: America and the ‘Good Germans’ Who Let Hitler Rise to Power
In his new documentary “Fahrenheit 11/9,” filmmaker Michael Moore looks at the rise of Hitler in Nazi Germany and compares it to the rise of Trump.
VIDEO: Michael Moore’s New Film Warns US Democracy At Risk
On 21 September 2018, Democracy Now! published yet another stunning video about “Fahrenheit 11/9”. Amy Goodman interviewed the filmmaker Michael Moore.
Trump Re-Election Paperwork Was Filed Unusually Early
Trump filed paperwork with FEC as early as February 2017 for his 2020 candidacy. But is this tied in anyway to Robert Mueller’s ongoing Special Counsel investigation?
FEC Still Refusing to Enforce Laws Banning Foreign Election Spending
CommonCause urged that the FEC to release report requested by Congress regarding the Commission’s role and efforts to keep foreign money out of US elections
The U.S. is Now the World’s Top Oil Producer. Citizens Should Benefit
Americans are so in love with capitalism that the average person is being screwed. We think only the Robber Barons in this kleptocracy should share in our vast oil and natural gas wealth.
Polls Shows Majority Uncertain About The Fairness Of American Elections
According to the new NPR/Marist poll many American voters do not believe that elections are fair. Choices of some voters are not considered at times.
Corruption Watchdog Says Anti-Foreign Bribery Laws Ignored
New Transparency International report suggests foreign bribery alive and well, with little progress in fighting it despite governments enforcing anti-bribery laws.
On Bob Woodward and the Anonymous New York Times Op Ed
Trump’s world is rife for psychoanalysis not only of himself but of the state of America. Yet the only service we do for the country is voting, canvassing, calling, and convincing our friends and family to vote and canvass and call.
The Ongoing White House Coup D’état Is A True Disaster
I highly suggest the anonymous author of the New York Times Op Ed piece resign, as well as all of the other people who are working against the administration from within. While they are at it, the President himself should resign too.