It is time for Progressives, Liberals, Moderates, Independents, disillusioned Republicans abandoned by their own party, Democrats of all stripes and varieties, and disaffected voters to rally together and stand up and be counted.
American Corruption articles on Democracy Chronicles
American corruption here involves more blatant uses of money politics to corrode democracy. Forms of corruption obviously vary, but include government related bribery, extortion, cronyism, and embezzlement. Also see our sections on American democracy and Money Politics or our articles on Worldwide Corruption.
The Scots Show The World How To Protest
Our country is a more miserable place to live in because of greed. We now have corruption at a level where our government and ruling class only want to screw us over and may sell us out to Russia.
America’s Fated Demise by Voter Apathy
The American public is afflicted with poor jobs, inflated health care and runaway college debt. Please Americans, come out from under the clueless self-righteous conservative right and join the patrons of democracy, freedom and understanding.
Yellowstone National Park and the Virtue of Being Brown
The poor are an important part of the American economic food chain. While they are threatened, scrutinized and hated upon, they are still needed. They are the spenders and consumers helping produce the world’s largest economy.
Another Trump Supreme Court Nominee and Danger Ahead
This unmerciful biased court is going to undo not just the Great Society of President Johnson but probably the New Deal itself. Social Security is at risk. Medicare is at risk. Medicaid is at risk.
The Failure to Punish Bush For Lies About Iraq Has Damned Us
I think one of the reasons that we haven’t successfully prosecuted Republican Presidents stems from President Gerald Ford’s pardoning of President Nixon. That pardon has led to a culture of impunity.
The Carjacking of Democracy Since Reagan
If things are chaotic the rich can do whatever they want with less resistance. Most importantly, they are hell bent on accumulating all future income and, since Reagan, they have done a cleanup job of this endeavor.
The Problem With Capitalism Without Conscience
I have a friend who was in seminary and he told me one of his professors had said, ”democracies rise and fall by the morals of its people”. I believe this to be true, but why have so many Christian and Republicans sided with the cause of evil?
What Would Julius Caesar Do?
The current condition of our country leads me to believe that we are at the end of this empire; not too far removed from the example the Roman Empire left behind. All the Senators are gathering their last minute bribes.
Greed, Karma and the Decline of America
While there are more billionaires being made in China, it is now time to note and understand the condition of our fallen empire. We did not get here by accident. It was the plan and purpose of Wall Street and the banking community.