A great report was just released concerning a troubling system of institutionalized corruption in Louisiana
American Corruption articles on Democracy Chronicles
American corruption here involves more blatant uses of money politics to corrode democracy. Forms of corruption obviously vary, but include government related bribery, extortion, cronyism, and embezzlement. Also see our sections on American democracy and Money Politics or our articles on Worldwide Corruption.
Highlighting US Media Threats On World Press Freedom Day
Despite current threats, protections in the U.S. Constitution make media in the United States among the most free in the world
Few Answers in Bizarre Case of Russian Influence at the NRA
Someone needs to get to the bottom of a Russian oligarch’s funding of the NRA gun rights group
Circus Trump – A Dream Come True for the Establishment
The point is that it is not the political figureheads who determine the system in the United States or anywhere else but an unwritten agreement between economic, political and media interests; a culture maintained by an establishment.
How the Federal Election Commission Got So Bitterly Divided
The Federal Election Commission’s view of its enforcement role has grown sharply divided along ideological lines
White House Investigating Jared Kushner Over Shady Loans
The White House itself is now investigating $500 million worth of loans that Kushner’s business received
Some seek return to Congressional earmarks to encourage action
Some frustrated observers suggest that a return to earmarks would grease the wheels for appropriations bills
Franking: Elected Officials Selling Themselves With Your Tax Dollars
Franking funds go to legislative updates, newsletters and notices about public events featuring the officeholder
Average Congressperson 12 Times Wealthier Than Average Citizen
With such a massive disconnect, is it even possible for them to understand the struggles of their constituents?
At the ‘Frack It Up’ Rally Taking Aim at NY Governor Cuomo
Demonstrators at this event were protesting the latest allegations of the corruption of Joseph Percoco, one of the two of New York Governor Andrew Cuomo’s closest aids, and payoffs tied to Cuomo’s upstate nefarious dealings.