A look at what nineteen of the scandal-laden politicians who are still alive and kicking
American Corruption articles on Democracy Chronicles
American corruption here involves more blatant uses of money politics to corrode democracy. Forms of corruption obviously vary, but include government related bribery, extortion, cronyism, and embezzlement. Also see our sections on American democracy and Money Politics or our articles on Worldwide Corruption.
Moving from Oligarchy to Democracy
Do voters have little to no influence on the decisions politicians make, once in office?
FULL VIDEO: John Oliver’s Gerrymandering Criticism
You might not have known is the alarming extent to which gerrymandering is used to influence elections
The Donald Trump Administration: Exposing The Shadow
What is new is a president who makes no attempt to hide his immense personal commercial interests in businesses that are known to be hotbeds of corruption.
What Putin Hopes to Achieve With Election Interference
The tactics used in 2016 are eerily similar to those used throughout much of the Cold War
Big Money Influence on Modern Democracy is the Historical Norm
The unwritten principle of tacit reciprocity between big business and political elites is sealed
Multiple States Designing Plans to Thwart Foreign Vote Influence
Several states are considering legislation that would bar companies with significant foreign ties from state campaigns
Earmarks Being Rebranded as Congressionally-Directed Spending
Don’t be fooled. Congressionally-directed spending is simply the new name for corrupt earmark process
A NJ Town Repealing Limits on Pay-to-Play Campaign Contributions
Council members are poised to repeal the city’s pay-to-play regulations that cap municipal political donations
The Election Assistance Commission Termination Act is Foolish
What sense does it make to terminate the only federal agency that is responsible for testing and certifying our voting system