Candidate-nominating national convention funding comes from business with much to gain
American Corruption articles on Democracy Chronicles
American corruption here involves more blatant uses of money politics to corrode democracy. Forms of corruption obviously vary, but include government related bribery, extortion, cronyism, and embezzlement. Also see our sections on American democracy and Money Politics or our articles on Worldwide Corruption.
Koch Brothers Political Groups Hit With Massive Fines
Koch Brothers political groups fined after illegally hiding their spending on donations to politicians
Are Democrats Ignoring Big Money Politics Crisis?
Light mention in Party’s platform draft seem to mean Democrats ignoring big money politics
The Hillary Super PAC That Hyped a Penny Stock
Voters for Hillary Super PAC accused of being a front for a stock market scam is now closed
Transform Government: 5 Plans and the Secret Sauce
I am an independent candidate for President of the United States with a very specific platform: Transform Government and Build Peace. This means fix our broken government agency-by-agency and build peace here at home and around the world.
VIDEO: Protesting NY Election Fraud on a Grand Scale
The hearing room at the BoE filled up with voters, activists and poll workers who will eventually get a chance to speak. “The fact that they were denied the right to vote undermines democracy and undermines the fundamental principles of this nation”
New York State Political Corruption Strikes Again
Corruption, an issue which has plagued New York state politics since the early 1900s, has reared its ugly head again, because for the second time in two years, a major influential politician has been convicted of bribery and extortion charges.
Disdaining Electorate is Now Ingrained in American Politics
Left and right have a habit of disdaining electorate of voters whenever the vote goes against them
Democracy Spring Protests Seek Election Law Revolution
Hundreds more arrested for election reform during Democracy Spring protests in Washington D.C.
How One Foreign Donor Gave to American Campaigns
This case shows that it is increasingly possible that a foreign donor can sway US vote with cash