Straw-man donations are used to avoid detection of large giving hidden by repeated small donations
American Corruption articles on Democracy Chronicles
American corruption here involves more blatant uses of money politics to corrode democracy. Forms of corruption obviously vary, but include government related bribery, extortion, cronyism, and embezzlement. Also see our sections on American democracy and Money Politics or our articles on Worldwide Corruption.
The Success of Dark Money Power Politics
This coming election will witness the biggest display of dark money power in the nation’s history
New York Special Elections Fill Seats of the Fallen Corrupt
As the state makes preparations for two New York special elections, the stain of corruption which has infected Albany and New York politics now pose a new challenge for the prospective nominees
VIDEO: Election Law and Supreme Court Reform
Election expert Richard Hasen discusses interplay of Supreme Court reform and electoral politics
Vote And Then Act In Favor Of Democracy
It is imperative that we get money out of campaigns. Our democratic process is supposed to be one person, one vote. But right now, the political power of corporate executives in fact is worth a lot more than hundreds of votes.
Is Big Money Igniting the American Populist Surge?
Fed up with explosion in political spending, voters are backing an unprecedented populist surge
Building Peace is Connected to Transformed Government
Building peace requires fixing government. Only 19% of Americans trust our government to do the right thing and 75% of Americans believe corruption in government is widespread. We have to restore trust at the same time we make decisions as one nation.
2016 to Test the Power of Dark Money Politics
Complete lack of regulation means this election is all out war between dark money politics forces
Why Hillary Clinton Should Never be President
Today, most Americans feel that our government is useless and untrustworthy. What America needs is a genuine, truthful politician who has one goal: to improve the wellbeing of Americans.
NY Takes Step in Right Direction for Honest Governance
Dean Skelos, the former New York State Senate majority leader, was found guilty on all counts of corruption allegations levied against him as the verdict was read in court on Friday December 11th