Campaign finance controls to be ended by bill allowing Wisconsin dark money to hide from public
American Corruption articles on Democracy Chronicles
American corruption here involves more blatant uses of money politics to corrode democracy. Forms of corruption obviously vary, but include government related bribery, extortion, cronyism, and embezzlement. Also see our sections on American democracy and Money Politics or our articles on Worldwide Corruption.
Super PACs Shouldn’t Be Taking Over Election Campaigns
Weak laws mean that Super PACs are taking over election campaigns in ways that should be illegal
A Comparative Look at State-by-State Corruption
State-by-state corruption analysis finds great disparity in transparency and enforcement of law
Thrown Off the Ballot After Four Years in Office
I can’t thank you enough for your attention to my re-election campaign this year. As disappointing as it was to be thrown off the ballot, I know that the campaign was not in vain. Nor were the four years in office.
The Need to Fix NJ’s Election Finance Watchdog
Political impunity for campaign crimes shows dire need to rebuild NJ’s election finance rules
Sherry Peel Jackson on America: Freedom to Fascism
Organic News with Cat Watters interviews former IRS Agent and whistleblower Sherry Peel Jackson who spent three years in federal prison for her public stand against the Internal Revenue Service.
Newt Gingrich Explains Rise of Outsider Candidates
Republican says democracy’s history of battling corruption as explanation for outsider candidates
Things Don’t Always Get Better
Will we wake up in time and join forces against our common enemy before the pendulum swings back? Or will we continue on this insane roller coaster ride? Cause it looks like a big dip is coming. At least for some of us.
Assessing the FBI’s Kentucky End Corruption Now Campaign
End Corruption Now campaign is federal attempt to gain public support against political graft
Former President Jimmy Carter Says US is No Democracy
America is now more of an oligarchy than democracy says former Democratic President Jimmy Carter