Albany, one of the most corrupt state capitals in the United States was recently hit with another scandal involving a top politician as Senate Majority leader Dean Skelos stepped down from his leadership role
American Corruption articles on Democracy Chronicles
American corruption here involves more blatant uses of money politics to corrode democracy. Forms of corruption obviously vary, but include government related bribery, extortion, cronyism, and embezzlement. Also see our sections on American democracy and Money Politics or our articles on Worldwide Corruption.
First Half of 2015 Money in Politics Summary
Money in Politics Summary
The Failing Federal Election Commission is Giving Up
Chairwoman giving up on prosecuting 2016 vote crimes thanks to failing Federal Election Commission
New Yorkers Sceptical of State Ethics Legislation
Series of high profile corruption cases of state lawmakers has left most New Yorkers sceptical
You Don’t Have to Be American to Purchase US Elections
Foreign pornography giant proves you can purchase US elections without needing local citizenship
Single Donor SuperPACs to Dominate 2016 Elections
Unstoppable rise of money politics following Citizens United turns to era of single donor SuperPACs
Assessing Impact of Clinton Cash Scandal
New book seeks to ignite controversy over Clinton Cash, the rise of Clinton fortune in government
Assessing Prospects for NY State Transparency Progress
New Assembly Speaker forced to target NY state transparency shortfalls following public scandals
Corporations Are Not People, But Their Owners Are
Note that no actual person has gone to jail for (what should be considered) criminal conduct that resulted in the economic crisis a few years ago. This outrage is only encouraged by the anthropomorphizing of corporations.
IRS Whistleblower Joe Banister: Health is Criminal
Joe Banister, the famous former IRS agent turned whistleblower, was one of the guests on my radio show Tuesday evening on Awake Radio along with Marcy Brooks, the juror in the case of Whitey Harrell as depicted in Aaron Russo’s documentary, “America: Freedom to Fascism”