Millions of dollars flowing to national election fundraising in massive donations from individuals
American Corruption articles on Democracy Chronicles
American corruption here involves more blatant uses of money politics to corrode democracy. Forms of corruption obviously vary, but include government related bribery, extortion, cronyism, and embezzlement. Also see our sections on American democracy and Money Politics or our articles on Worldwide Corruption.
Gerrymandering is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things
Gerrymandering is why politicians have little to worry about as long as the lines remain
NSA Spying Solution to be Determined by Campaign Donations
Big money spent on election donations likely to determine fate of NSA spying solution controversy
Ester Fuchs of Columbia in Latest From DC Kickstarter Film!
Professor Ester Fuchs of Columbia University speaks in latest video from our Kickstarter project
Out of State Money Floods New Jersey Elections
Out of state money floods New Jersey and is flowing into elections mostly from unknown sources
Wall Street and the Great Pension Fund Heist
Great Pension Fund Heist: Wall Street has been lusting after public monies for years, and now they’re having their way with pension funds.
Democracy Chronicles Documentary Filming is Underway
Our new Democracy Chronicles documentary is looking for some crowdfunded support and you can help!
Supreme Court Takes on Citizens United Again
New case before Supreme Court raises worry of weaker regulations on money in Citizens United again
Who Spends the Most on Buying NJ Politicians?
List of major campaign cash donors brings some surprising revelations on how money is buying NJ politicians for their influence on public decisions
Considering Warren Buffett Reform of Congress Plea
Billionaire investor Warren Buffett reforms offer short list of changes make Congress responsible