Supreme Court to hear new case that could be opportunity for putting less control on corruption also known as Citizens United 2.0 in repeat of case
American Corruption articles on Democracy Chronicles
American corruption here involves more blatant uses of money politics to corrode democracy. Forms of corruption obviously vary, but include government related bribery, extortion, cronyism, and embezzlement. Also see our sections on American democracy and Money Politics or our articles on Worldwide Corruption.
Defense Industry Lobbies for Syria War
Military contractors of all sorts spend lavishly on politicians supports and lobbies for Syria War
Elizabeth Warren Slams Money Influence at Supreme Court
Freshman Senator Elizabeth Warren slams money influence at Supreme Court, once uncorruptable
Influence of Money Poisons Buffalo NY Election
Corruption, fraud and money swirls around Buffalo NY election raising fears for legitimacy
How to Fix Corruption in the Federal Government
Theft and fraud are endemic in Washington DC and Sunlight Foundation backing transparency as solution to fix corruption in the Federal Government
How Weak Laws Can Lead to More Corruption
At the highest levels, flood of secret money enters Virginia and will lead to more corruption
Quarter Billion Spent Buying NJ Politicians
Massive influx of money spent buying NJ politicians leaves questions about undue influence
Legislators Earn Three Times More Than Average American
Actual state legislators earns 3.4 times more than average American at roughly $286,000 per year
VIDEO: Cornell West Calls Broad Civil Rights Push
How the civil rights movement can rekindle the real dream of Martin Luther King Jr. with a broad civil rights push
Half of Senators Become Lobbyists After Retirement
It is now a majority of Senators who leave government for lucrative lobbying jobs. Do You Approve When Your Senators Become Lobbyists After Retirement?