The upcoming Rolling Stones Cuba concert is a revolution for nation where their music was banned
Cuba articles on Democracy Chronicles
News about the struggle for democracy in Cuba. Cuba is not a functioning democracy. There is a one-party system, in which the party controls all government and most civil institutions. There is a full ban on all political opposition or protest. Also see our articles on the Castro brothers and democracy in the Caribbean.
Baseball Diplomacy Tried in Cuba
Tampa Bay Rays and the Cuban national team try using baseball diplomacy to heal old wounds
Obama Calls For Democracy in Cuba on Local TV
Democracy in Cuba long way off as American President visits for first time since Calvin Coolidge
Your Vote, Your Voice!
As I cast my ballot early today in the voting booth, I decided to stop dawdling and write something about the importance of voting. I have wanted to post my daughter’s words, because — as a millennial — she has something important to say about voting
Can Cuban Human Rights Continue Backsliding?
Most repressive country in Americas worses as Cuban human rights campaigners and reporters targeted
Arrests Fail to Deter Determined Cuban Political Artists
Speaking out against the system is a dangerous undertaking for beleaguered Cuban political artists
New Worries For Cuban Democracy Activists
What does the opening of new government connections to US mean for long delayed Cuban democracy?
Cuban Democracy Activists See Uncertain Future Ahead
Following high-level US rapprochement, Cuban democracy activists consider fruits of their efforts
That Was Then and This is Now
I write this in anticipation of World Refugee Day, June 20th. I would like you to read the stories of refugees today, interwoven with my own tale of a better yesterday.
US Cuba Relations: Time For a Reconnection?
Ultimately it will be up to the political leadership of the two sides to put aside the mistrust of the last fifty years and try to set a new path forward where people can build trust and reestablish a connections beneficial for both countries.