Bernie Sanders backers, “Berners”, have called election officials in their party warning against shenanigans. Police have repeatedly been called on them.
Democrats articles on Democracy Chronicles
Basically the Democrats are the leftist and centrist party. Notably, the Democrats are the oldest political party still in existence in the United States and probably the oldest political party in the world. Also see our articles on Republicans, Independent Politicians and our Third Party Central section.
$10 million plan by Trump and RNC to battle Dems on voting lawsuits
Democrats say they want to ease the voting process while Republicans say they are fighting fraud. Trump and the RNC are putting millions in lawsuits.
Al Gore Launches Youth Voter Turnout Initiative in Houston
Former Vice President Al Gore launched a new youth voter turnout initiative Houston Wednesday, urging students to help fight climate change by voting.
How States Are Battling Over Who Gets to Vote in the 2020 Elections
77,744 ballots in three states gave the White House to Donald Trump so states are fighting over rules that determine if millions of Americans get to vote.
Michelle Obama is encouraging voter registration through a prom challenge
Former First Lady Michelle Obama leads the pack in a series of throwback prom photos to encourage voter registration among young people.
Democrats worry they will not be able to beat Trump in 2020
In public they appear confident but privately Democrats are worried that Trump will be hard to beat in the November 2020 elections.
Iowa Caucus Meltdown Proved Transparency Is Essential, Election-Watchers Say
As the Democratic primary season rolls on, one big lesson is sinking in from the party’s caucus-night meltdown in Iowa: Secrecy isn’t a strategy, opinion.
Donald Trump: from Ukrainegate to politicalconfidantgate
Freshly from an impeachment trial over use of office for political gain Trump has praised Attorney General for intervening on behalf of political confidant.
Bill aims to address Native American voter disenfranchisement
New Mexico congressional delegation is leading a bill in the House that aims to protect Native American voting rights ahead of 2020.
Senate GOP blocks three election security bills
Under the Senate’s rules, any one senator can ask for unanimous consent to pass a bill, but any one senator can object and block their requests.