D.C. statehood bid gets a boost from mention inside draft proposal of Democratic Party Platform
Democrats articles on Democracy Chronicles
Basically the Democrats are the leftist and centrist party. Notably, the Democrats are the oldest political party still in existence in the United States and probably the oldest political party in the world. Also see our articles on Republicans, Independent Politicians and our Third Party Central section.
Why Democrats Need to Support Automatic Voter Registration
If the Democrats support automatic voter registration in the states, American democracy will benefit
Green Party Bernie Sanders Collaboration Mulled
Many on the left are putting their hopes in a Green Party Bernie Sanders link up involving Jill Stein
Are Democrats Ignoring Big Money Politics Crisis?
Light mention in Party’s platform draft seem to mean Democrats ignoring big money politics
The Hillary Super PAC That Hyped a Penny Stock
Voters for Hillary Super PAC accused of being a front for a stock market scam is now closed
What Bernie Sanders Campaign Hopes to Gain From Still Running
The Bernie Sanders campaign is seeking to win favor inside Democratic decision making
New York Voter Purge Hits Latinos Hardest
Analysis finds latinos most harmed by New York voter purge seen as voter suppression
The Golden State Could be Deciding Factor For Democrats
Democrat primary Voters in California are set to go to the polls on Tuesday, June 7th, which may prove to be the deciding factor in the long drawn out nominating contest which has placed a strain on the party
California Primary Rules Bring Lawsuit From Sanders Camp
Campaign is furious over California primary rules and seek to extend voter registration process
Ballot Access For Independents: Laughing Through the Tears
Ballot access for independents to get on state ballots in time for the next national or state or local election is backwards. The rules are completely different than running as a Democrat or Republican.