Ranked choice voting reinforces democracy by helping to more properly represent the whole spectrum of voters in an election.
Election Methods articles on Democracy Chronicles
This election methods reform section will highlight alternatives to the widely used plurality voting system like approval, ranked and instant-runoff voting. See our entire section called Voting Methods Central. Also see our section on American democracy.
Still No Software to Count NYC Ranked Votes
The software that will count ranked choice votes will take at least two weeks longer to approve, according to the NYC election board.
Europeans Vs American Thinking On Mandatory Voting
In three key European states a majority of adults back compulsory voting but opinions in the United States are far more divided.
How Ranked Voting Gives Voice To Diverse Electorate
Many people are starting to see ranked voting as a game-changer. It can, among other things, give voice to a diverse electorate.
Seven Utah County Cities Opt In To Ranked Voting Pilot
So far, seven cities in Utah County have announced that they plan to use ranked-choice voting in this year’s municipal elections.
Parties Benefit By Running Nominees in Unwinnable Races
Despite a Republican foothold, when Southern Democrats ran a candidate for state legislature, it increased the party’s district vote share.
Golf Balls Used To Decide Tied Election In Illinois Town
The clerk of Perry County, Illinois, said it came down to golf balls to break the tie in the conscription’s most recent local elections.
Small Scale Use Of Sortition In Governments Picks Up Steam
Sortition was crucial to Ancient Athens’ democracy, but stayed largely unknown in recent history until the recent surge in interest.
Ranked Voting Proposed For Puerto Rico Self-Determination
A new bill aims to allow Puerto Ricans to choose their political future through a democratic process that includes ranked choice voting.
Inside The Ranked Voting Movement On College Campuses
A number of colleges and universities around the country are implementing Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) in their student elections.